Brads SN95 update -2

Last month I told you a bit about getting my SN95, some of the faults I’ve found since buying it and a bit about my plans for it. This month I’ll give you an update on what I’ve been up to with the car!

You may recall last month me mentioning that the handling was a bit wallowy, I best describe the feeling as like the axle isn’t really attached to the car with anything solid.

Thankfully the car came with a set of control arms in the boot to replace the wobbly standard ones, I stayed on late after work one evening to get these fitted, it wasnt quite the half hour job I anticipated, the fit and quality of them isn’t great. If they weren’t free then I would of opted for the much better quality BMR kit.

I got them on though and tried the out on the drive home. Its a night and day difference, the car is much more settled, moves around a lot less on the turn into a corner and at speed on a bumpy road there is much less float.

Red control arms, everyone knows coloured suspension bits are faster!

With the handling sorted I boked in for the European Mustang Nationals at Santa Pod.

I have drag raced motorbikes before, quite a long time ago but this is my first go in a car. I was entered in class F, “Best of the rest”, this covered Foxbody to New Edge shapes so early 80s to mid 00s, it wasnt a particualy big class but I managed to get through to the Final against Phil in his very nice New Edge, my comparative lack of power let us down in the final though with Phil running a 14.63 against my 15.44.

15:01 run was the final. The last 3 were the Modurstand grudge race, Lee vs me, Lee won!

I currently have more plans than money so the next big mods will be more about what bargains I find then an actual plan. Pedders coilovers are definatly on the list, I think it still needs some brake work, I’d love to get some PI heads on it for a bit more power. If I’m sensible with the budget then next month I’ll be telling you about my choice of air freshner!


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